Public life is called
public because it is the object of
estimation and judgment of public
opinion, that is, of the citizen.
That is because as public life, it
represents or is obligated to represent
the average of the accepted behavior
by the sum of the citizens.
Unfortunately this has been distorted
so that it acts conversely: Instead
of the public life of the so called
'high profile' citizens being checked
upon and modified so that it will
represented the life of all the citizens
of a nation, it is the public life
of each featured person that is enforced
as 'cool' in one way or the other,
urging the citizens and especially
youth to adjust to be similar to that
This pattern is at times blatant
and at other times needs more attention
to become visible. For this reason,
in this part of Human Support Services
we will be watching current events
within and out of Greek borders so
that we will offer examples presenting
this exact situation so that consciously
and with our own free choice (instead
of being taken in) we will be able
to choose whether to adopt or not
what is being projected to us.